Scotch eggs are the perfect snack to take on a camping trip. Traditionally perceived as an unhealthy meal, this recipe aims to add a few nutritional tweaks. Cook up half a dozen of scotch eggs and yo ...
The famous French Chef Kondo teaches you how to make the perfect French omelets. Ingredients: Three fresh eggs. 60cc fresh milk. Different kinds of cheese. 1. Break the three eggs into a bowl. 2 ...
Quiche is a great breakfast, but doesn't need to be just a breakfast meal. It's great for lunch and brunches, too, and even dinner if you so desire. So check out this video recipe to learn how to ma ...
Breakfast doesn't have to be boring old cereal and milk. Make some eggs. But again, don't take the boring route. Try out this video recipe on how to make goat cheese omelets for two. Goat cheese b ...
Guys, you no longer have the excuse of not knowing how to cook because the chef from shows you how to make a fantastic light and fluffy omlete. Omletes are fast and easy and full of good i ...
The Simple Chef is going to show you a very easy guide to making onion skinned Easter eggs. All you need is: eggs, onion skins, paper towels, and some twine or string. To begin, you want to take an eg ...
This video shows you how to make a delicious quiche which is great for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Whisk together some eggs and a small amount of cream, then add some chopped onion and chopped spinach ...
The following are the things required to soft boil an egg:Egg, a pin, sauce pan with cold water and a saucier spoon. The following is the procedure to soft boil the egg: 1. First take the egg and put ...
This is a tutorial segment of how to mount poach an egg. It's simple and easy. All you need for this are a large frying pan, a long spoon, vinegar and an egg. First, turn the stove on and heat the pan ...
Diane Morgan shows us the right way to cook a nice fluffy omelet. Break the eggs into a bowl and beat them with a fork until they are fluffy, adding a small amount of milk and some salt and pepper. Ad ...