It's easy to find out if your eggs can be scrambled, fried, or used in a recipe - or if they need to be tossed in the trash. Watch this video to learn how to test eggs for freshness.
You Will Need
* Cold water
* A large bowl
* And eggs
Step 1. Prepare your testing bowl
Fill a large bowl with cold water and set it on an even surface.
Step 2. Drop your eggs in the bowl
Gently place the eggs in the water and wait a few seconds to see if they sink or float.
Step 3. Remove the eggs that float
Remove and discard any eggs that float. As they age, eggs lose moisture and carbon dioxide, which causes shrinking and increases the air space inside the shell, making them float.
Eating rotten eggs can cause nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and fever six to 72 hours after consumption.
Step 4. Look for eggs that are tilting upward
Eggs that sink but stand up straight are still edible but nearing the end of their shelf life. Set these aside for immediate use.
Eggs should be used within three weeks after the expiration date on the package, depending on the freshness test.
Step 5. Cook or store sinking eggs
Eggs that sink to the bottom of the bowl are very fresh! They can be used immediately, or placed back in the refrigerator to use another time.
FACT: The perfect temperature for storing eggs is around 40 degrees Fahrenheit.
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